We believe no one was meant to do life alone, so life groups are an integral part of Church of Truth. Life groups are the heartbeat of our church! These are weekly or bi-weekly meetings in the evening specially for fellowship, worship, or just spending time with fellow believers for the edification of the church. If you are anyone from the age of 12 and up, we have a lifegroup for you! Teens, Youth, Families, Young couples- we plenty of life groups to choose from.
Ready to join one?
Baptism is:
A step of faith – I Corinthians 15:1-4
In baptism, I am expressing my faith in Christ: “I believe You died for me. I believe You have saved me from my sins.” We are seeking God’s approval not man’s. Jesus received His Father’s approval when He was baptized in water.A step of obedience – John 14:15
By obeying Christ’s command, I am submitting to His authority and recognizing His right to be Lord of my life.A step of commitment – Mark 8:34; Matthew 10:32
In baptism, I am saying before God, my fellow believers, and the whole world that I have made my choice; my life from this day forward is committed to Jesus Christ.A public testimony
I have said “yes” to Christ and “no” to everything else. I have decided to follow Jesus.
Are you ready to take this step?
This is a 9-month Bible school program, but it is not your “regular” Bible College. Internship is a program that aims to build your character, renew your world view, and equip you to change lives for the glory of God. G4T Internship is not only a training ground, but it is also a place where students gain profound spiritual growth and restoration. This experience allows you to mature in living a Spirit-led lifestyle as you apply what you’re learning in every area of your life.
We love hearing what God is doing in your life! We believe there is power in your testimony. Whether it’s a testimony of healing, salvation, or a miracle that took place, we want to rejoice with you!